Michelle Petties is the author of the best-selling memoir, Leaving Large – The Stories of a Food Addict, a category winner in The 2022 Memoir Prize for Books. In addition to her duties as the host of Get the Back Story on the SORC® Radio Network, Michelle is a Food Story Coach, speaker, and inspiration. What’s unique about Michelle is how she uses the way we manage food as a metaphor for transformation. Looking at her today, you would never guess that Michelle used to be morbidly obese, once tipping the scale at 260 plus pounds. After gaining and losing over seven hundred pounds, she finally discovered the “secret” to winning the battle between her mind, body, and food – her “story.” She now speaks to organizations, large and small, sharing her unique insight and her story of hope, healing, triumph, and transformation. Michelle now teaches others how to find, face, rewrite, and replace their food and personal narratives during healing-through-writing-and-storytelling workshops and presentations. Behind the glitz and glamour, behind the fame and fortune, there is always a backstory. Each month on Get the Back Story Live! Host, Michelle Petties asks the tough questions to uncover the true stories about our health and well being. Amazing guests take you inside their personal health challenges and triumphs. Drop by, join in the conversation, and learn how those that entertain us, even with busy touring and performance schedules, are making their health a number one priority. The truth is our health is our wealth and always a back story.