The SORC TVRadio Network

Your Fast-lane to Success Having your own show on the SORC® TVRadio Network allows you to extend your brand’s footprint locally, regionally, nationally or, if desired, globally. Hosting your own radio show is a lot easier than you imagine. Typically, it takes fewer than five broadcasts to find your comfort zone. So, what are the benefits for a business, organization or individual to host their own radio show on the SORC® TVRadio Network?
Ease of Use:
Podcasts and online radio shows are easy to set up and deliver. We provide each show with the award-winning broadcast platform Stream Yard Pro a “nuclear powered” ZOOM. Stream Yard Pro automatically creates a podcast from your live stream and broadcasts your live show or podcast to up to 10 different social media. Thanks to today’s technology and service providers, we no longer need to have expert knowledge of show production and broadcasting to host a show. What at first glance may look complex and complicated is actually straightforward and simple to implement.
You can host a podcast or online radio show at low or no cost to you by securing one or more advertisers. You can also market your show on your website, blogs and social media sites through Stream Yard Pro.
No Geographical Limitations:
You’re not limited by geographical location in broadcasting a show. With Stream Yard Pro WiFi and internet access, you can host your show from anywhere. Your audience needs only internet access to listen to your show. You can reach out to anybody in the world who has internet access!
Time Flexibility:
Podcasts and online radio shows offer you and your listeners flexibility of time. You can broadcast live, record your episodes, publish them on your website or blog, and syndicate your content to iTunes and other podcast directories through web feeds (RSS). Listeners can tune in for your live show, listen to recorded episodes on your website or blog, or subscribe to your show feed and have the information delivered to them on their computer, notepad, smart phone and other portable media players. This allows even more people to listen to your message.
Fast Track Your Expert Status:
Hosting your own show is a quick way for you to earn expert status in your field or industry. Your audience will quickly learn of the knowledge, expertise and connections you have in your profession. You can further fast track your expert status by incorporating a Question and Answer (Q&A) section in your show. Having an audience experience how you expertly handle questions is a great benefit to you, and to them!
Turn Your Show Recordings Into Products:
A carefully designed podcast or online radio show can be turned into different products you can use to help build and grow your business. For example, if you have your show recording transcribed, the transcription can be formatted and designed into an eBook or special report you can sell or use as a marketing tool. You can also turn your edited transcription into an article or a series of articles that you can post on your blog, use in your newsletter or upload to article submission sites.
Expand Your Network:
Podcasts and online radio show help you to grow your contact list and strengthen relationships with the people on them. And of course, by sharing your authentic self, your show can help create a bond between you and your audience. Over time, your regular listeners will become your tribe and community. As you can see, podcasts and radio shows offer many benefits over several conventional marketing tools.
Now let’s summarize:
There are immediate advantages you can expect from hosting your own show. If you’re considering hosting a podcast or online radio show, here is how you and your business will benefit, it:
Is easy to conduct.
Is low-cost/no-cost.
Gives you a bigger reach (being able to target non-local market).
Doesn’t require a physical location.
Allows time flexibility.
Helps you to quickly gain expert status.
Can be turned into a product (or products!) later.
Helps grow your contact list of potential clients.
For programming information please contact us below.